Swimming Pools At Hotels Can Be Unsafe For Children

By Mike U Sapos

Most children enjoy playing near the water or in the water. However, for children with ages ranging from 0 to 4 year old, drowning is one of the leading causes of death. Sometimes this happens in their own homes, such as in their bath tubs or in their pools. Drowning happens very fast and before you know it, a child's life is lost. What should parents do in order to prevent this from happening to them?

PFDs (Personal Floating Devices) and life jackets are effective in preventing drowning in young children if they are used correctly. Make sure that the PFD or life jacket you are using for the toddlers is a fits perfectly. Remember, in Canada, there is no available safety standard for PFDs and life jackets for children who are less than 20 kg (20 lbs) in weight. Although PFDs and life jackets have the same purpose, that is to save one from drowning, they are slightly different in appearance. You will notice that PFDs have head support cushion. Its purpose is to prevent the face of an unconscious person from submerging into the water and preventing him or her from breathing. It is also safe to assist children even though they are using flotation devices. Most of the time, they end up leaving the flotation device and find themselves in the water with nothing to hold on to. An effective precaution is to ensure that young children already have their PFDs on, even though they are still on the boat. This way, it would be easier to prevent an accident, such as drowning if ever the child accidentally gets thrown overboard.

One way of preventing drowning in young children is by means of using Personal flotation (PFDs) devices and life jackets. To be sure that you know how to use these and know how to get the right PFDs and life jackets for your children, please try to follow these reminders.

An adult should always be around when children are near or in the water. He should see to it that the infants and toddlers are within his reach. Do not allow bath rings and bath seats in the water. Previous experiences have shown that these cause injuries and accidents to children. Extra care should be taken for babies, who do not know yet how to sit unaided, by holding them. Every infant should be supervised by one adult. As for toddlers, the most is two for every one adult. Do not allow teenagers to supervise infants or toddlers unless an accompanying adult is there as well. For those infants weighing at least 9 kg (20 lbs), PFDs or life jackets should be worn at all times when near or in the water.

Pool owners should learn how to swim and know how to rescue drowning victims. Knowledge in CPR is a plus. There is no doubt about it . It is certainly time and energies well spent even if only saves one brief avoidable accident at the beach , lake , cottage or hotel pool while on summer vacation. It may seem mundane or a waste of time yet if it saves the life of your child or that of a neighbor or relative it's a godsend. On top of that ensure that in the boat or even fishing offshore that all including the adult drivers and operators of the board wear a personal flotation device approved by the DOT for their weight, height and ages.