Some Uses of Gel Fuel

By Ben Mester

Gel fuel is a fairly new compound that is starting to see a lot of use in newer homes. Gel fuel is a compound that burns without emitting any noxious gases or chemicals. It burns without emitting either carbon monoxide or dioxide. And it burns somewhat cool too. What this really means is that it can be burned indoors without requiring conventional venting.

This has paved the way for artificial fireplaces, also known as ventless fireplaces, which are starting to be employed in more homes. Ventless fireplaces generally look just like normal fireplaces. They sit tightly against the wall, hiding the fact that they do not actually contain a vent. And by using cans of gel fuel behind the artificial logs, it looks like a small natural gas fire is burning.

Gel fuel has also been utilized largely in the world of catering. Because it can be burned inside and provides low level fire for multiple hours, caterers employ gel fuel to keep their food warm through the length of the party, using a simple, yet effective heat source.

Gel fuel, in addition, has some neat applications for outside get togethers. Gel fuel is available in multiple types, with some created especially for outside use, which contain insect repelling ingredients such as eucalyptus in the gel. So when the gel is burning, the fire emits an scent that keeps insects at bay, making gel fuel a good choice for outdoor parties.

At the moment gel fuel is comparatively expensive, costing more than wood or natural gas. But gel fuel can also be created at home with just a handful of household chemicals. There are one or two different how to guides on the net that can help you learn how to create gel fuel from common household products. Though these kinds of gel fuel don't typically burn for the same length of time as the store bought brands, it can be fun making things yourself.

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