Significance of the correct sponsorship for a PMO

By Simon Wilkinson

As mentioned in post How to set up a PMO, the right level of PMO Sponsorship is imperative for the PMO to be successful.

Clearly Outlined Sponsor

When you're in the process of setting up a PMO, ensure there is a clearly outlined sponsor. If you don't then the PMO may not be seen to having any real authority. This may generally result in a lot of the project managers either doing the minimum in respect of requests or nothing.

Type of Sponsor

Ideally the PMO ought to have a sponsor who is part of higher management. This will give the PMO with credibility as the PMO will receive a level of referred authority.

PMO Sponsor Behaviours

The PMO sponsor must completely 'buy-in ' to the purpose and value of the PMO. This can help them to be an envoy to their peers and to other staff members. If they do not 'buy-in ' and are only doing it because they have to or no one else available, this is very threatening. Project Managers and other employees will speedily pick up on this and you will find it very difficult to get active.

In this eventuality you may often find that the PMO will make a request, the project manager will escalate to their line manager, the line manager will then go directly to the sponsor and they may agree it does not have to be done. The PMO's authority is totally undermined and the project manager will know that they can do the same continually to push back.

The sponsor should typically be an affiliate of senior management. This is important as this will provide a level of referred authority.

Bullet Point Plan

- So what can you do about this? Like lots of things in life it is best to have a strategy and address these possible dangers before they occur.
- Ask who the sponsor is? If they aren't senior enough or don't have the necessary degree of respect/authority, raise this with your line manager to encourage a level of executive sponsorship. Spell out that you need this to be a success and that support is critical.
- Meet with the sponsor. Learn how committed they are. Remind them of the responsibilities and that for the PMO to achieve success you need their support. Make it obvious that they must be careful not to let the PMO be weakened by agreeing to direct requests/dispensations for individual projects. Remind then that you both can only become successful by working together.
- Set up frequent meetings to keep the sponsor updated. This can build trust, allow you to talk about successes and most importantly make them aware of any issues before they hear it else where (or worse are caught out in a meeting with their peers).
- Continually remind them of the value of what has been achieved.

It is always easier to have these discussions at the beginning of a project, not when issues have occurred and become emotional.

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