How to Deal with gambling Addiction

By Agus Rahman

They say the initial step to beating an addiction is to admit that you have a problem.

Dealing with someone who has a gambling addiction can be painful. They have got a tendency to withdraw from family and loved ones, for that reason what are you supposed to do when someone you care related to has developed a gambling addiction.

There are some things you will need to do and confident of them are very hard to do.

The first thing you should do is to hide all your valuables, and if this person lives with you, then you need to keep them behind locked doors and if that is not possible afterward carry them to a bank and lock them in a safety deposit box.

If this person is you child or your spouse after that you need to limit there access to your money. In most circumstances people have spent their family's savings and kid's college funds. So if at all possible endeavor to get that persons name of the accounts if it's not already too late, and cancel all their credit cards.

At some point you will should confront them. When you do confront them it is significant to not yell and do not get angry just tell them how what they are doing affects you. Make certain that all the persons close friends are there to assist with this.

It is essential that everyone escort turns and notify the person how his gambling has affected their relationships, however , in a non angry, caring manner. This will help the person realize that the people that care related to him see something that maybe he does not and hopefully will take an honest look at his gambling.

Remember the goal of confronting someone is not to make them stop gambling, it's to assist them recognize they have a gambling problem and to encourage them to seek professional help.

Some people recommend that you try to get your friend to go to a gamblers anonymous meeting, but I do not recommend this. Gamblers Anonymous is a fantastic organization that truly helps those with gambling problems stay away from gambling, however , before you are ready for this most people need one on one sessions having a psychologist or a counselor trained to deal with gambling addiction.

After all is said and done, you must be prepared due to the fact most of the time the gambler continues to gamble, maybe they will make a brief attempt to stop before starting again in secret.

With most addictions the person with the problem wants to hit what they call a "bottom". This is when the gambler has lost everything that really meant anything to them, such as family and friends, and it's only at this point numerous will see the problem and seek assist.

If you know someone who is unwilling to admit their gambling problem I recommend that after you have tried your best to get this person to seek assist if they do not, you may should be prepared to leave them, remember at confident point you have to abandon a sinking ship before you go down also.

To find more information on gambling addiction search gamblers Anonymous and

Codependence web sites.

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