A Closer Look at the Dell Streak 7 Wi-Fi Tablet

By William Bruce

When the iPad made its debut, a lot of people thought, "Whatever, I've got a laptop for that." However, the true purpose of the iPad began to become clearer. It didn't take long before all the major providers of mobile phones and computers wanted in on on the fast-growing action. All of a sudden, Tablets could be found in all the retail outlets. And Dell's stockholders will be upset if they didn't attempt and corner a piece of the pie. The product Dell is pinning its hopes on is the Streak 7 Wi-Fi Tablet. In this article, we will take a closer look at this tablet and find out if it is worth your money.

It's a good device but watching movies is not a simple as when you download ipad movies. It's easier to recommend a gadget when the company that makes it has a good name - that, however, is not the case with Dell. Dell is one company that isn't known for the quality of its products. This computer manufacturer's customer service reputation is also on sort of shaky ground. Numerous customers have said that when they made service calls after the warranty expiry date, they were charged. You'll discover that maybe the upfront cost of this gadget is more affordable than most, you should factor in the longer-term cost of the company you're dealing with.

Multitasking is made possible by the tablet's OS, a version of the Android OS dubbed "Froyo." You will be able to listen to Mp3s, keep your GPS data up-to-date, and be notified of various things through the system's notification service without being pressured to keep any specific app open and running. There are no worries about being unreachable with this Dell tablet; communications via Gmail and other email setups are well-supported.

One of the good things about the Streak 7 tablet that did not come with the initial iPad design is video chat. Video chat feature is available in the Dell Streak 7 tablet via a front-facing panel cam and Qik software. The only catch is that the only people you will be able to chat with are people who own a Streak tablet or a compatible device. What this means is that the video chat feature is not universal in its application. A bonus for this tablet is the integrated offering of the On Demand service from Blockbuster. Admittedly, though, Blockbuster's recent troubles certainly managed to make us think twice about its value as a recommendation.

Reviews right now are few, but it does appear that people are skeptical as to the reasons why this product was introduced. The device's functionality is severely limited through it not being able to able to interact with other devices that aren't compatible with Streak 7. Nonetheless, a keen desire for a tablet computer coupled with a small budget might make this tablet a perfect way to acquaint yourself with the technology. Just make certain you are aware of what you are buying before you actually commit your money to the company.

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