The Best Weight Loss Trip

By Graham McKenzie

The weight loss journey may seem daunting at first glance, and most of us have tried several diets only to fail or regain the weight back, which might make it seem all the more hopeless. Perhaps it is not you that failed the diet, but the diet that failed you. Most of us turn to quick fix and fad diets in hopes of seeing results quickly, but these diets are doomed to fail us right from the start. Most of these diets have unrealistic food restrictions, but weight will reduce in the beginning, but once you resume a more normal style of eating the weight returns, and sometimes even a few more pounds. Take a look at thelowdownskinny and you will see a number of people who experienced exactly this and found the courage to find a better way.

First, its about making the choice to go on the weight loss journey. If you are tired of the fad diets and regaining the pounds, then it is time to get serious Once you have made the choice, it is time to come up with a plan that you can stick with. This is not the time for extreme exercise routines, or cabbage soup diets, but instead it is about making small changes and setting goals. Healthy eating and slow weight loss should be on the plan of attack.

Try changing your eating habits slowly at first. Substitute your high fat, sugary snacks with fruits and nuts. Eat more fish and chicken, and limit red meats. If you simply must have that cookie, try eating just one to get rid of the craving. If pizza is what you crave, eat just one slice on whole wheat crust with vegetable toppings and low fat cheese. It is possible to eat the foods you love and still lose weight.

Do not forget the exercise. Exercise is a must for weight loss. Some people can be intimidated by the thought of exercise but this is not necessary. Start off slow. Try walking and aerobic exercises. Join your local gym and take a look at the classes that are offered.

Seek support. Whether it is online or from friends and family, support can be a huge benefit. Thelowdownskinny is a good support group to have a look at.

Weight loss takes time, so do not rush it. Quick weight loss could very well mean regain, while slow weight loss means your more likely to keep it off.

Weight loss, while it does take time, does not have to be hard. It can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, especially when you see results in the mirror and you feel healthy.

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