Rule Number one in dog Training, be smarter than your dog

By J.T. Steele

Well okay, obviously a bit tongue-in-cheek there but I could not help it. Dogs are very intelligent animals, some breeds are smarter than others and then again, some perform certain tasks better than others. In one of my future articles I will break it down for you as to the smartest breed.

Let's Jump right into it, intelligence has very little to do with our topic. How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping, bet you didn't see that coming.

Why Fido or Fiffy may jump is the number one issue of dog behavior that I we deal with. There is a multitude of reasons, and why it may actually only happen at certain times, but of course when they do it, they do it at that one time you had wished they didn't.

This jumping behavior is partly instinctive. It's a "pack" thing actually. Let's take a look at a couple of reasons why they jump on people. First, they can simply be excited, they will "jump for joy" when you or a family member or recognized friend enters the house.

Dogs sometimes lick each others faces when they greet, a likely reflection of lower ranking members of a wolf pack. Sometimes it starts as puppies as they vie for their mother's attention, which is another reflection of the wolf pack.

The second reason is yes, the pack mentality againm the dominance factor. . This is referred to as "teeing off." They will try and rest their head or paws on a dog they want to dominate. It's tough for them to accomplish this on humans as we (tend) walk on two legs, making it more difficult to" tee off" on. You can distinguish this behavior by them attempting to "lean" on you.

A disobedient dog isn't always a dumb one.If they pushing, pulling or jumping on you, they may think they are the Alpha dog in your family pack hierarchy! It's important to identify this behavior and understanding it,as it relates to your relationship.

Alpha dog behavior is something we tackle in the Secrets to Dog Training Updated Bonus book,Secrets to Becoming the Alpha Dog, and there's a full DVD devoted to the topic in our Dog Training DVD Series.Regardless of gender,a dog that keeps jumping on you may trying to control you as they see themselves as the Alpha dog

Dont worry that you cant stop your dog from jumping right away, training takes time here's a thought, some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant

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