Share Your Favorite Sites Through Social Bookmarking

By Kit Adams

If you've been wondering if getting involved in the world of social bookmarking is something you may want to do you could be very surprised to find out that you are already involved and have participated at some point and not even realized it.

When you share a site with a friend you at that very moment are technically guilty of socially bookmarking that particular site. The only thing that these sites need to do is make note of your sites of interest and gather them all into one place.

If any of the following situations apply to you it is most likely a good idea that you join your own social bookmarking site.

If your friends seem to frequently be telling you that you find the most awesome sites and articles online you may want to seriously think about opening an account with Digg or Stumbleupon. People will love your finds and you will quickly develop a following. They will love reading up on your mutual interests.

This could turn out to be a brand new adventure for you as well. You may find yourself making new online friends and they may start sharing their bookmarked sites with you too. On top of making new friends you will be able to explore their sites and discover new interests.

Do you constantly find yourself to be ahead of other people when noticing that something is going to be a hit? Maybe you notice first that there is a hot new website, song or trend around. This means that you are a 'first' or also know as an 'early adapter'.

If something jumps out at you the chances are that it is going to be something that will be followed by the masses. Unfortunately "the masses" won't find out about it for weeks or maybe even months or later without help from you.

You have been put in the very popular position of being the early adapter and people will love to follow your lead. Nobody ever likes to be the last to know about anything funny or popular. You will become their mentor.

For all of the reasons above, becoming a social bookmarker may be right for you.

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