Find Out How To Stop Procrastinating Easily

By Nick Chronos

There are both good and bad habits. Many folks cannot tell the difference. Once this habit has been determined to be a negative one, learning how to stop procrastinating will take time and perseverance, but can be done. One-fifth of the world's population are procrastinators, delaying work they know needs doing.

Delaying completion of, or even beginning, a task, if done habitually, can affect the way you feel about yourself, as well as create problems for others. If someone else must do your job, that will not reflect well on you. Procrastination, whether at home or on the job, can be a huge issue.

New, more effective, habits can replace those bad ones, with a little effort and a big commitment. Wash the dog when he gets dirty, and don't put it off. If you don't, he will carry dirt and loose hair all over the house, making another job that you will not like to do. Just shampoo the little guy, and you wont have to shampoo the carpets so often.

Get rid of any distractions that may slow you down or stop you from completing a task. Take things slower than usual and just relax while working. Try to schedule your day to have only a few items on your list that need to be completed before day's end.

Excuses for delays can be found easily if you are not committed to a project. You know that old, broken tree branch must be removed before it falls on someone. First, the ladder must be found, the chain saw sharpened, and your safety glasses located. While looking for the chain sharpening file, you stop to talk to the neighbor over the fence. He invites you and your family to a barbecue, and you volunteer to bring a salad.

Students often use this delaying tactic when they have a paper to write before semester's end. Time just seems to get away from them and they end up doing a hurry-up job. It would have been so much better to make a plan for completing their paper and then stick to that plan.

Many books have been written addressing the subject of how to stop procrastinating. Read one and you may glean tips to assist you on your way to better habits.

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