Cosmetology School In East Lansing And Other Areas

By Janette Roman

Entering a specialty in the beauty industry requires attending a cosmetology school East Lansing or other locations. To be credible in the profession it is important for individuals to be trained on the various techniques of hair styling, facials, manicures and pedicures.

While a person entering education in this field will be trained on all areas of cosmetology, it is advisable that they choose a concentration that is of most interest. Common specialties include hair styling, make-up applications and facials or manicures and pedicures. It is possible for a person to have more than one area of specialization, although this may require additional education.

Understanding different ways of cutting hair is only part of the job of a hair stylist. This person must also know a lot about different hair textures and styling to most flatter various face shapes. A person will be trained on proper handling of scissors, curling irons and blow dryers. Because this person often is responsible for dyeing hair it is important to be trained on the chemistry of mixing different chemicals to get the best color.

A Manicurist is responsible for working with hands and nails. This professional will apply treatments to soften hands and cuticles. Additionally, a Manicurist will apply polish to acrylic or natural nails. This person will also perform pedicures. An Aesthetician is responsible for skin care. Treatments include facials, body wraps and make-up application. Some in this field also are involved in laser hair removal.

Every state has different requirements for becoming certified in this field. It is recommended that the individual research the qualifications necessary in the state for which they live. A license from an accredited school is required to practice cosmetology. Individuals must pass an application and written exam.

For a person who chooses to go into this profession they should know that full time education from an accredited institute will take approximately one year to complete. There are instances where some high schools offer an extension for students to attend high school for half a day and cosmetology school for the other half. In this case completion may take a little longer because the program will be part time. Among other tasks, individuals will learn proper techniques of cutting and styling, performing facials and applying make-up. It is advisable to become an intern at a salon to gain additional experience.

To become a license professional an individual needs to attend a cosmetology school East Lansing and other areas. Making sure that the educational institute is accredited by the state in which the person lives is important. Choosing a type of cosmetology to focus on will give the person more specific training and possibly make them more marketable.

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