Now You Can Save The Planet By Installing Double Glazing

By Zara Zambini

Installing double glazing in your own home or office can help you to reduce your carbon footprint. But what is a carbon footprint? Well, this is usually worked out by looking at how you live and how you spend your recreation. How many tonnes of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide do you use in a year? It might surprise you to learn that by simply installing double glazing in your home or office, you can dramatically cut down this footprint.

A quick way to work out how much carbon dioxide you use is to g to a website which is dedicated for this purpose. It asks you details such as how many car journeys you make each year and how many holidays you take. Examples of these things are what make up your primary carbon usage. This also takes into account how energy efficient your home is. For example, how much energy it loses just by your daily activities, through the windows and the roof etc.

Along with your primary carbon footprint, you also have a secondary carbon footprint. This involves calculating whether you buy locally sourced produce for example, or whether the things you buy, such as food, clothes and other consumables travel a long distance before they are sold to you.

Double glazed windows are made from frames containing two panes of glass quite close to each other. These act as insulators as they trap air between the panes. This can reduce the heat which is lost from a house by up to half.

By using double glazing you immediately cut down how much energy is lost through your windows. You immediately cut down your heating bills, and immediately reduce the size of your carbon footprint.

Double glazing is indeed a quick and energy efficient way to transform your property from one which leaks heats through the windows into one which conserves heat. And if we all do this, we all help to save the planet too.

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