An Earthquake Checklist Can Save Lives

By Lila Barry

An earthquake checklist can be small or it can be rather large. The most important thing about any kind of checklist is that it be a guide to preparation. Being prepared for any kind of natural disaster is the most important thing anybody can do. Since we never know when they might take place, we have to be ready at all times.

There is a lot to be said about being prepared. This is true for anything that we do in our lives and it is especially true in a disaster situation. When everything starts to fall apart it is the people who are even somewhat prepared for it that will survive and be there after everything finally calms down.

You have to think about the fact that if the disaster cuts you and your family off from other people or emergency services for an extended period of time, what will you need to survive. This answer is quite different for almost everyone so you have to think hard. You have to figure out what you will need and only what you need.

When you think of all of these things you then need to write them all down. Then you need to go out and start buying and collecting all of the items on your list. Making sure that you have everything, absolutely everything that you will need is the only way to make sure that you will have it. After the earthquake there is no way to be sure you can get these items.

Once you have everything you will need to find someplace to store them away. You know you cannot put them in your home or apartment because there is a good chance that it will be destroyed. So you have to figure out where you can put your things that will be safe and protected from the disaster, whatever it might be.

You have to remember, and earthquake can be terrible but it can also cause large fires or floods. You have to prepare for various types of disasters, not just an earthquake. Once you have everything gathered and tucked away safely it is time to talk to your family and your loved ones. Anybody who you want to make sure will be safe.

You must also practice an escape plan with them. Practice and preparation is the key to staying alive in a disaster such as this. If everybody knows what their jobs are and how to do what is necessary then everybody will be safer. They all need to meet in a certain place and help each other get to where you will all be meeting.

Once you have everything in place and figured out it is vital that you make an earthquake checklist. You will need to be able to move and get last minute things together quickly. The easiest way for you and others to do this without forgetting anything is with a list. Make sure you develop one and discuss it with family. Keeping this information to yourself will only keep them in danger.

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