The Key Reason Why You Might Need Prolapse Surgery

By Avye Ramirez

When you experience a problem in which your bladder, bowel or uterus protrudes into your vagina, then you might be a candidate for vaginal prolapse surgery. Obviously, there are various types of prolapse surgery like rectocele repair and several forms of bladder surgery, and the reason why you would either receive rectocele repair or bladder surgery is due to the type of protrusion that is occurring.

For example, you commonly have to get a rectocele when the end of your colon begins pushing within the vagina from its back membrane. On the other hand, you would certainly require to get an enterocele if your small bowel forces through your vagina from its upper membrane.

Once the surgery has been finished, you would normally have to live in the hospital for the next 3 to 5 days, and can typically start heading home when you are feeling well. In addition, you also need to manage to pee with no difficulty. But, it is essential to remember that you nevertheless need to rest considerably in your house so as for your body to heal properly.

This generally indicates that you have to restrict the amount of activity you need to do in the first two weeks, just like avoiding to raise heavy objects, playing sports, undertaking any kind of impact exercises, swimming or strolling, and any different kind of intense exercise regimen. Furthermore, you will also be required to avoid having sexual intercourse for a at least 6 weeks.

During your recuperation period, it is vital that you take in at least 1.5 liters of water per day and to have a healthy eating habits. This will ensure that you have great bowel habits, which is crucial for the recovery process. It is inevitable that you will experience some pain, and one way to obtain some relief is by taking paracetamol each and every 4 hours for the first 2 weeks. But, stay away from medicines such as codeine, as this can lead you to become constipated. In the long run, you will find that the procedure can be really successful if you just keep to the guidance of your surgeon. In reality, It is shown that up to 70 percent of women who had the conventional type of this surgery had a successful outcome. Thus, if you believe that you may be an excellent candidate for this sort of surgery, then the next step is to consult your gynecologist so that you can get all the right tests in order to get confirmation.

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