Law of Attraction Explicate in Detail (II)

By Elkin Arriero

In subjective reality there is just one consciousness, and is yours. Consequently, there's only 1 source of intentions in the universe - You. While it is actually possible to observe a large number of bodies walking and talking in your fact, they all exist in your consciousness. You know that's how dreams work, but you have not really noticed while you walk is yet another type of sleep. It only seems solid as you believe (aim) it is.

Since none of the others characters that you find them are conscious in a way separate from you, no one else can have ambitions. The only intentions are yours. You are the only thinker in this universe.

It is important to define properly THE YOU in subjective fact. You are not your physical body. This isn't at all the you self-centered. I am not suggesting you are a conscious body walking in a world full of comatose automatons. That'd be a total misunderstanding of subjective fact. The correct view is that You are the only consciousness in which this basically happens. (regalos de empresa)

Imagine you are a dream. In that dream exactly who you are?, You identify YOU with the personality physical of dream? No, naturally not - this is your dream character tools. You're the dreamer. The whole dream happens within your consciousness. All dream characters are projections of your thoughts of dream, including your personality. In fact , if you develop the facility to dream lucidly, you can even change the characters in your dream by possessing another character. In a lucid dream, you can do whatever you think that you can.

The reality works the same way. This is a dense universe that you experience in your dreams when you sleep, thus, here the changes happen continuously. But this fact still fits with your thoughts just like a dream while you are asleep. You're the dreamer in which all this is taking place. EduynLabino

The concept that other people have intentions is illusory because people are just projections. Of course, if you happen to feel strongly that people have inclinations, then that's the dream that we create for ourselves. But in the end it remains an illusion.

This is how subjective fact answers to these tough questions about the Law of Attraction

What happens when folk have opposing motives, as an example, when 2 people have the aim of obtaining the same promotion and there's only one empty available?

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