The Fantastic World of Tungsten Rings

By Galena Avedon

Your tungsten ring, while very sturdy and strong, needs care too! Yes, a tungsten ring means very little maintenance, but it doesn't mean you should not do routine care to keep it in the best condition.

Tungsten is ten times harder than the strongest gold, five times harder than steel and four times harder than titanium. These rings and other types of tungsten jewelry should hold its shape for your lifetime. Tungsten is a heavy metal and it will not bend. Prices vary for tungsten rings and jewelry but there are a lot of affordable pieces on the market today.

If a piece of jewelry, such as a ring, is sold strictly as tungsten only, then it is basically just a steel ring. Tungsten without carbide can be scratched. Tungsten carbide rings and jewelry should not scratch because the element of carbide is present. If you purchase what you believe to be a tungsten carbide ring but the ring has been carved then it isn't a true tungsten carbide ring.

Tungsten rings can be cut off in case of an emergency more easily than a ring made with a different type of metal can be. There are tools specially made for cutting tungsten and titanium jewelry. Tungsten rings can also be broken into pieces using a pliers or other similar tool should there be a case for it. Most hospitals in this day and age have all the necessary tools for situations like cutting off a ring. Don't let the rumor that tungsten rings aren't able to be cut off in case of an emergency fool you! Just like any other metal, a tungsten ring can be cut should it need to be.

During the Second World War, tungsten was very important. Portugal had a lot of wolframite ores that were used to make tungsten. Due to these ores Portugal had pressure put on it from both sides of fighting. These ores were beneficial in making tungsten for materials used for weapons.

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