Having A New Baby Does Not Need To Create Stress

By Byron Jonas

Having a new baby in the house is not always the experience that many people may have expected. Television and the media generally portray babies as happy smiling little creatures, or as tots who's cries are quickly and easily fixed. For more than a few families this can not be further from the truth.

The truth is that babies can be very noisy. Some are born screaming, and seem to not stop for many months. Although this is not always the case, it is important for parents to be realistic in their expectations. No matter the level of frustration and exhaustion, new parents should always remind themselves that even though it may not seem so, this is a temporary situation.

Sleep, or rather the lack there of, is one of the biggest issues facing new parents. Late nights awake with a hungry, fussy, or inconsolable child will soon leave a person feeling tired on almost a regular basis. Being creative with sleep can help to make the situation more manageable. When the baby sleeps it is a good idea to take a nap. Even if this means sleeping at very strange times throughout the day, this is fine, until the child is on a regular schedule.

As a new parent, do not be afraid to say no. More than a few new mothers overextend themselves out of a sense of obligation or family commitment. The year that a newborn arrives in the home is probably not the best time to host any major family get together. Even if a person feels that they will have time and energy for this type of planning and preparation, one can not anticipate a sick or fussy baby. It is much better to have this time to dedicate to the child, and consider doing one's part the following year. Instead do something smaller for now to add to the event.

Do not be offended by offers to help. Sure most new parents want to keep the baby to themselves at least for a little while, but establishing a support network is a great idea. People who offer to help with laundry, cooking, and other chores and errands can be a life saver. Seriously, some new parents may be surprised at how happy they are to have free time even to take a shower.

Remember that all babies are different, and grow physically and cognitively at their own pace. Although there are some milestones, as long as the baby is doing well, do not stress over the time line of each accomplishment.

A new baby can bring joy to a home, without adding stress.

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