A Technique To Save On Travel Money Rates

By Raymond Jackson

Travel cash rates can be quite costly. You have the choice of money, travelers checks or credit or debit cards. You can of course require some foreign currency money for a taxi or tips. It's a sensible idea to get this before you leave since a currency office might not be open upon your arrival or to avoid another stop altogether. Using cash can be quite dodgy and isn't necessarily the top choice for exchange rates.

Using visa cards and cash cards are a good option pertaining to exchange rates since the rates are frequently better than those for money or travelers checks. But many banks are adding high charges for each use in a foreign currency or overseas. With mastercards there is always the likelihood of going over budget. With ATM cards this is less sure but if the card is mislaid the likely damage to your deposit account will take weeks if not months to fix.

Travelers checks are a nice choice but the exchange rates are still not as good as your debit or credit card. Nor or they as convenient to use as money or a card. There are some places that won't accept them, and you will not know where until you get to your destination. Like money they're dodgy to carry about.

There's a better option above all the others. The pre paid currency card. The currency rates are a lot better than with money or travelers checks. They're issued thru Credit card or Visa and can be employed wherever these are accepted. The card is available in most currencies and there are card specifically for the Euro dollar and US dollar.

There are some distinct benefits to employing a pre paid currency card. You are able to save on exchange rates. The card can be loaded months before travel time locking in a good rate. You decide how much will be on the card, although there's a minimum, and you can stay on budget that way. If you must need to add funds to the card this is done by telephone or Web. You may have somebody else do it for you. Since it isn't a card there will be no finance fees.

These are not visa cards and aren't subject to a credit check to make an application for one. They may be able to be used at ATM's if you should need money. If they're robbed the damage is constrained to what you put on the card as there is no access to your most important bank account. Some of the pre paid cards offer theft protection and 24 hour card replacement.

You are able to save on travel money rates with a pre paid currency card. You will need to be sure to compare card exchange rates and watch out for cards that charge fees for usage, adding funds or a monthly fee. There are cards available that charge no ATM fees and no overseas charges. These are the ones to search for and save you the most money over cash, travelers checks or credit cards.

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