How To Conduct Realistic Educational Strategic Planning

By Lora Jones

Nobody will deny the fact that the quality of education is one of the most important components of successful societies. History has shown that prosperous countries inevitably boast superior education systems. The world changes at a rapid pace, however, and it is necessary to continually adapt the curriculum to make provision for new needs and demands. That is why educational strategic planning is so important.

A strategy is really nothing other than a long term plan that aims to allow the education system to be adapted in good time. The world changes fast and with those changes come new demands on the system itself. If the approach to curriculum changes is reactive the system forever lags behind. A good strategy will allow it to be proactive.

Any decent strategy needs to address all the various environments that may have an influence on the quality of education. One of the most important environments that need to be studied is the technological environment. This is a fast paced field that changes at an astonishing pace. Education needs to make use of new technology and it must also teach students how to take advantage of it.

A curriculum also needs to take careful note of the future needs of society. Students need to be prepared for productive roles in society and this can only be done if both the present and future needs of society are known. It has been said that more than sixty percent of all jobs today are new. That means that students could not have prepared for entering such jobs.

Many education experts resent the fact that governments and local authorities regulate the content of curricula but whether they like it or not they still have to comply. A strategy should anticipate such changes and it should contain plans to implement changes in policy efficiently when the time comes. In this way there will be minimum disruption and the students can only benefit.

In order to develop a realistic strategy it is necessary to make some predictions about the future. In addition, these predictions must be made regarding various fields and it may therefore be best to obtain the services of leaders in those fields. No one person can possibly be knowledgeable enough in all the various fields. A strategy must therefore be the product of a team of experts.

Unfortunately the world does not remain static and even the most educated predictions of future developments do not always come true. It is vital that a strategy is kept current by continually noting changes in the environment and to adapt the strategy to reflect those changes. If this is not done on a regular basis the strategy will become invalid very quickly.

Educational strategic planning is of paramount importance for any institution that wishes to keep their curriculum current and valid. It is vital that the education process react to changes in the world. This is the only way in which to prepare students for a productive role in society. Education that is slow to reflect the needs of society most certainly put students at a distinct disadvantage.

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