Finding Historical South America Travel Experiences

By James John

There is just nothing like South America travel experiences to enrich the lives of travelers. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about other countries and cultures, and home schooling parents can really take advantage of this when educating their children about the world around them. Traveling south of the Equator opens many new doors for world travelers to experience what this part of the world has to offer.

There are thirteen separate countries which make up the southern American continent, and some of them are little-known. Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Columbia, Argentina, and Chile are all pretty well known by most people, as Hugo Chavez has been a household name, and everyone knows about the Columbian drug trade. However, countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana are not as well known by the average student.

The little known nation of Suriname was once the home of the Arowak Tribe of native people, who are believed to have settled the region around 3000 BC. The first European settlers had a very tough time of it, with disease and native people thinning their numbers on a regular basis. The plantations in the area were sold to a Dutchman named Cornelius Van Aerssen heer van Sommelsdijck who was killed in a mutiny in 1688.

The Portugese got into it with the people of French Guiana, as they felt the French occupation of this land was a violation of treaty. When the French attempted to settle the region the second time, Amerindian tribes attacked and thwarted their plans. The Dutch were the aggressors during the third attempt the French made at settlement, and France did not gain the region until the Treaty of Breda in 1667.

Guyana is a region which saw a great deal of warfare between European powers eager to control the region. It shares borders with Suriname, Brazil, and Venezuela. This region saw conflict between the Dutch, English, French, and Spanish, and it was once known as British Guiana.

Most of these countries have their history separated into pre-Columbian, European conquest, and colonial periods. Ecuador also had a long and drawn out battle for independence which was conducted by Criollos, and was intended to be a war designed for all the Spanish American colonies to gain their independence. There were many years of conflict, and Ecuador even invaded Peru in 1941, but their attack was thwarted by the Peruvian army.

These smaller countries are just some examples of the rich historical basis of this part of the world. Travelers willing to step outside their usual vacationing realm will find great adventures in culture, cuisine, and historical education. The outdoor hiking and climbing excursions are exciting and challenging for those who are new to world travel.

One will never forget their South America travel experiences. This makes an excellent destination for families, social clubs, or company outings. The usual destinations are places like Machu Pichi and Lake Titicaca; however, all of these nations have an array of mountains, jungles, and beautiful rivers with exotic and sometimes the most deadly natural life on the planet.

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