Does News Media Affect What We Choose To Purchase?

By Clare Crowden

It is impossible to read or listen to news without the dire conditions of the global and local economy coming up. Many folks have become pessimistic enough to the point where they no longer expect that the situation is going to improve any time soon. Nevertheless hope springs eternal for many others who dream of a world where unemployment is a thing of the past. But the question is whether the economy can be affected just from what people observe in the news. Surprisingly, the answer is yes.

Evidence proves that what people are exposed to in the media most certainly does have an effect on the economic situation. The Consumer Confidence Index shows how much confidence the public has in retail purchasing.

What is very interesting is that things that occur in the rest of the world can influence our consumer confidence. Even if the news revolves around goings on in another country, such as in the Middle East, for instance, the economy here at home will show the effects.

The CCI has been around for a while. In fact, we can trace it back to the 1960s. Manufacturers, retailers, banks, and so on, all monitor the changes that occur in the CCI, so that they can make decisions that will affect their financial situations. Changes in the CCI can happen in a relatively short time frame. What it boils down to is that what the news reveals one month will be shown in the CCI the following month.

Let's say, for argument's sake, that peace is restored to the Middle East. Whenever that happens you will notice that the price of oil is affected. It doesn't matter if the news is about the present state of health care, or even if it reports weather conditions, the CCI will be affected for each and every single person. Like it or not, your decision to purchase a new home, or a motor vehicle, for example, will depend largely upon the opinions you have regarding the economy. What you know about the economy is reflected in the news that you are exposed to.

The world of traditional media has gone through many remarkable changes over the decades. The future of traditional media may look bleak, but people enjoy far better access to news frankston and information than ever before. Thanks to the Internet more and more people can access the information that they want whenever they want it. Social media has made it possible to stay connected any time, anywhere. Thanks to the fact that we can enjoy this media revolution our choices of what to purchase are affected.

The truth is that the news really can influence what you buy and when you buy it. It makes no difference if the news you are exposed to local or international, our economy will show the effects of it.

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