Being Wise about Taking a Vacation to a New Place

By Joseph Tranturder

Brief Description: It can be quite shocking to move from a small town to a large city and to realize that the cultures are quite different. Here are a few things you can do to deal with the shock.

Culture shock is something the many people experience when they travel to a new country where customs and daily living habits are different. Many people think culture shock only occurs when you travel to a new country, but you can experience the same type of shock when you move from a small town into a large city or vice versa.

With a smaller community, it is much easier to get to know your neighbors and the surrounding area. As such, your voice can be hard.

One of the things that people are not accustomed to when moving into a large city for the first time is the height of the buildings. Those moving into the city are not used to feeling tiny next to the gigantic buildings that soar overhead.

First of all, find out about volunteer opportunities in your community. Volunteer work is very important when it comes to the way a community can progress.

When you are looking through different activities you have to understand that you are going to need to be on top of things. You want to make sure that you are making reservations early so that you know you are going to be able to enjoy the activities that you know you are interested in.

As they rush, they do not take the time to notice others and since there is no sky to look at, they look straight down or straight ahead. It may seem like the only thoughts they have are to get where they are going. In a smaller town though, time seems to slow down as people take the time to greet each other on the way to work. Everyone knows everyone and knows everything about each person.

They are also generally more willing to look other people in the eye and smile more often. When people who are used to this social closeness move to a large city, they may feel quite lonely and out of place because very few people smile or say hello. Meanwhile, those who are used to being disconnected from other people and move into a small town may feel uncomfortable having others say hello and introduce themselves all of the time. They feel like their privacy is being violated.

Since the population of these areas is going to be smaller, your vote is proportionally going to count more, plus, it is a participation in the civic system. It is a responsibility of citizens to vote for candidates that support their desires, so the system itself is a way to enable change.

If you are used to driving everywhere you go, you may find that driving is much slower in a city than in a small town. Meanwhile, in a small town, a bus stop may not be nicely located nearby. There may not even be a city bus that can come and pick you up. It can take time to get used to the different forms of transportation and become familiar what the best way to get across town is. These are only a few of the many differences that one can experience when moving between a large city and a small town. If you move into a large city from a small town, it may be a good idea to take some time off from the business as you transition.

All of these things can be done locally ion a small town level, and all have the chance to change things up for the better. The effort that people put in is directly reflected by the results they are able to get.

You may want to start by reading reviews online. Take the time that you need to read through reviews so that you can be sure you are able to find the activities that you are most interested in and the activities that have been getting the best reviews from those in town. As you are reading reviews online you should take the time that you need to understand how you are going to look for a middle ground. Be sure that you look for patterns in the review to ensure that they are consistent.

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