What You Need To Do To Operate Your Business Opportunity Reviews Website

By Joseph Yew

You do not need to shove out cash to someone else to have a good productive reviews site, you can come up with one on your own using some online marketing tips. For tips on how to grow your marketability read on.

Determine the top key words for your site. Complete a Google search on these keywords. Notate which sites appear at the top ranking spots. Ask yourself "what do these sites have in common?". Study these sites and take notes of them. Incorporate the good ideas that you run across to help improve your own site.

Interlinking your pages is a very good strategy to increase your traffic. Firstly it will allow easy exploring of your reviews site, and will increase the number of page views per visit. Secondly your search rankings will improve since a link juice will be distributed between the sum of your pages of your home business information site.

Testimonials are a great way to demonstrate the quality of your products or services. Add quotes to your site from either satisfied customers or experts in your field. Always get permission from the person you are quoting to put their words on your reviews site.

If you have a call-to-action button on multiple pages, make sure it's the same text and color throughout the site. Your visitors need to know what clicking the button does. If it changes from site to site, it might not be obvious to them! Making a sale should be easy - no one likes to be confused.

If you are trying to create a successful reviews site, you need your home business information site to automatically change when someone is using a mobile. You can install a mobile direct system that reads if a visitor is checking from a phone and then automatically sends them to a page for mobile only. You should also put a link on the mobile page to return to the regular site.

Inevitably, users will attempt to visit non-existent pages or will incorrectly enter a URL. A custom error page is one way to go above-and-beyond in creating a memorable user experience as the custom error page will allow the visiter to quickly be redirected to the information they were looking for.

Content is king! Include as much content as you possible can on your site. Fill up your pages with useful, relevant content, and your visitors will have a reason to stay for a while. If you've only got a few pages, you're probably losing traffic quickly after it arrives. Stay up to date, and write as much content as you can!

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