Appreciating Diversity in the Workplace

By Norbert Higensen

Entrepreneurship and owning a small business lie at the very core of the fabled American Dream. Creating a company from scratch, built up by the ingenuity and skill of the owners, established with time to secure the proprietors a stable fiscal future or perhaps even great stores of wealth; and all of the above attributes of small business drive many Americans every year to open the doors on their various enterprises.

Often times, the parameters of what constitutes sexual harassment in the work place can be skewed by ignorance or deviance.

It can often be difficult to relate to other people when they do not seem to be similar to you in any way. But if you look hard enough, you can often find similarities between the most different of people. We are all humans, after all, and we are all looking for happiness. This fact alone is enough to unify people across countries and cultures.

Hopefully this first step in creating a successful small business has already been taken care of by the entrepreneurs but if not allow the following sentence to be an extremely basic guideline to follow while pondering on the product or service on which the small business will be based.

But it is possible to work alongside those who are different from you, and it is possible to build a creative, free, and safe work environment. Diversity in the workplace can oftentimes be very beneficial for the betterment of the company.

There are those, however, who take advantage of the sexual harassment policies of companies by making false claims against others or who misinterpret something as ordinary as a friendly greeting as a sexual advance. For this reason companies typically employ human resources professionals who specialize in sexual harassment compliance.

These professionals have the training and education to help mediate sexual harassment complaints and will be able to determine whether or not explicit boundaries have been crossed by those involved. They will also be primarily responsible for the enactment of any consequential punishments levied against employees.

In the meeting, you could remind them to try to remember that every human being is different, and that we all have something unique to bring to the table. We are all born with innate and unique talents and abilities, and this can make the workplace more educational and interesting.

This means the implementation of two basic things, both of which involve the internet and web services. The first is the development of a quality web page for the company and the second is adequate training for the company's employees. Both of these aspects of a small business will be of paramount importance while endeavoring to enhance one's business.

The first way to mitigate and eventually end sexual harassment in the work place is by having clearly defined definitions and policies of sexual harassment and equally clear consequences for violating those policies. By having strict consequences and by having the ability to enforce those consequences upon those who violet the sexual harassment policies of the company, a business will be able to guarantee real action against those who violate other's protected boundaries.

Building and developing a user friendly home page for the business is equally important to retaining customers as the virtual store front is often the first place a potential or returning customer will visit when deciding whether or not to give their business to a company. A small business owner can ensure client retention by having a quality and user friendly online presence.

Oftentimes in a company, compliance training is offered in order to train employees on how to accept, appreciate, and deal with diversity in the workplace. This compliance training is often very beneficial for people to learn about diversity and how they can work together with their fellow employees to improve their work environment.

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