Cut Down on Landfill Waste by More Effective Recycling

By Mark Ferguson

One of the most prominent issues of our modern times is the environment, concerns we have over the amount of waste we are leaving behind. For years now, the concern of filling up landfill sites was widespread, without a financially viable alternative. Fear of rubbish build-up even had people thinking about shooting rubbish into deep space. Fortunately more realistic steps for recycling waste are available. Advancements in recycling equipment cuts down on waste that goes to landfill and improves the efficiency of recycling.

There has been great concern for the health and welfare of the planet and the atmosphere for a few decades. Toxic emissions, pollutants, and oil spills have brought this concern to the attention of lawmakers, citizens and politicians. Projects to help clean up the planet have been put together in an effort to make the average person aware of what they can do to participate.

As individuals, we are now expected to use buckets and bins to place all of our recyclable items. The basic principal being that if rubbish is categorised properly then it can be more efficiently recycled reducing the strain on landfill and other disposal mechanisms.

The world of commerce also has its role to play in more efficient waste processing. One way in which the construction industry is improving its image in this area is by reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill from construction sites. Clever extraction machinery now has the capability of reducing waste to landfill by utilising sophisticated grading techniques to rubble waste. Not only does this sorting allow waste to be utilised for useful applications instead of going to landfill, but extraction of metals has now become more efficient allowing metal to be extracted that would previously have gone in to landfill. This development is doubley important for the industry because it allows them to generate income as well as get the PR benefits associated with making less waste.

Recycling equipment reduces waste every day. People and businesses have a responsibility to utilise the best machinery and sorting techniques to increase the amount of rubbish that can be recycled.

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