Why I Donate to Charity

By Andrew Scott

It is fulfilling to give back to the society hence charity giving makes you feel good. This practice has been encouraged since childhood, but, unfortunately countable people adhere to it. There are a myriad of charitable organizations all around the globe working tirelessly to create an impact. The feeling that one gets after donating to charity is worth the effort. Donations made to organizations that assist victims caught up in conflicts, poverty and other social related problems, go a long way in changing lives and creating social awareness. Notably, charity donations are not restricted to money only. Usually, people donate food, clothes, blood and computer supplies among other items. Before making a donation to charity, it is advisable to be aware of the details of the organization and its activities so as to ensure that the donation made is worthwhile.

The saying "it is better to give than to receive" is true, but giving and receiving both at the same time is better. There are a lot of advantages gained by donating to the less fortunate. The government has a way of rewarding those who donate in these charitable programs. If you own a business or if you earn more money, the more you give back to the community, the higher tax deductions or write-off you will get. Of course, the amount of deduction will always be dependent on the value of the donation you have given. There is nothing wrong with wanting to write off tax deductions especially if you are doing these so you can give more in form of donations. The higher the donation, the higher the tax deductions will there be as well.

A recent study indicated that charity giving makes you feel good. A team of psychologists and economists at Oregon University discovered that making donations to charity activates the parts of the brain that stimulate pleasure. Once a donation to charity has been made, the giver gets a reward reaction that is extremely intense, which causes a warm feeling of pleasure that has got health benefits. The idea of being part of a team that has contributed in providing basic survival for victims is very fulfilling. For instance, by contributing $ 20, some individuals somewhere can benefit from having safe drinking water. Being part of a team that initiates building hospitals, learning institutions, improving basic amenities and distributing supplies of medicine among many others is amazing. All those that donate can testify that charity giving makes you feel good.

Kind deeds that are done to others also inspire other people to do the same thing. This is one of the great advantages of helping the needy. You motivate and encourage other people by doing the same thing. Imagine how the world will be like if each and every one of us is used to lending a hand in our own, little ways. There are a lot of ways we can do to achieve this sense of fulfillment; by helping people to build houses free of charge, teaching the street children, donating old books and clothes or by participating in the community's livelihood programs. Inspiring others will make them participate in these charitable programs and will also make them feel good by donating to charity.

We all love to live in a better world where there is no mean and selfish tendencies, where everybody is good and caring. We want all our near and dear ones, especially our children, to be safe and happy. It's not something strange and unachievable, but, it has a price. The price is to "share and care." Those who yearn to live a happy and prosperous life have to learn to share and care. How can we teach our children to be sensitive to the society around them? We have to first donate to charity, not once but regularly. Real teachings are imparted through demonstration, not by words.

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