How To Maximize Your Partylite Earnings

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Partylite network marketing reps: Stop pestering friends and family about your opportunity.. Learn how 7-figure earners build huge businesses using tactics rarely taught at live events and on Partylite webinars.

If you want to become a top earner, you need a promotion strategy to implement because you'll run out of friends and family to approach.

You absolutely need to learn the #1 skill of all top earners: marketing to massive numbers of people at a time.

I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Leverage Top Producers To Do All The Presentations

You should rely on a good presentation to influence your prospects to buy. Use the absolute highest caliber presentation your company has. This strategy applies to everything you sell: your marketing system, affiliate products, and your Partylite opportunity.

There's probably a small handful of people in Partylite who are exceptional at presenting your business opportunity.. Very often the people who present the best are the people who have made the most money with the opportunity. Rely on the most qualified presenters to do the pitching on your behalf. The percentage of people who sign up will be much higher than if you tried to present on your own.

Stay away from pitching, describing and presenting to people. Take advantage of a recorded presentation that your prospects can watch online or on DVD. It's an efficient way to conserve your most valuable asset: your time! Usually it takes several years to become proficient at delivering a presentation. Master presenters are master persuaders, and studying the psychology of influence can help you become a better presenter. One day it's going to make sense for you to be the one presenting. Before then, leverage the best pitches created by other presenters.

- Think Like A Top Earner

Your habitual thoughts and beliefs will have a greater impact on your Partylite results than any other element. Most people bring the mindset of an employee to their business. That will not work. You will need a success mindset to maintain the determination, fortitude and inner strength required to grow a business.

While skills such as closing and attracting leads are important, they are often over-emphasized. Your thoughts and beliefs are more important than your skills.

What you focus on is what you will create in your life and your business. You'll always be able to learn the skills necessary to build a Partylite business. But unless you've cultivated a winning mindset, you will leave the business before you get the results you desire.

To succeed in Partylite or any business, you must believe these and other empowering things:

- I will succeed no matter what

- Even when I face obstacles that would make others quit, I will endure

- I am self-sufficient. I don't depend on my sponsor or upline

- My reason for building my business is very inspiring and clear

- I am focused on a goal that's quantified, attainable and bounded in time

Do things to cultivate your mindset development like reading personal development books and doing affirmations. Focus on building the right frame of mind, and your Partylite business will start moving in the right direction.

- Market More Than Everyone Else

7-figure earners in businesses such as Partylite normally market more prolifically than everyone else. How well you execute the basic network marketing skills such as recruiting and closing will have an effect on your income.

But you should know the quantity of your implementation matters as much as, or more than, the level of skill you apply to each activity. Outpromoting the competition means generating more web traffic and creating a greater number of leads on a daily basis than other marketers.

If you use videos and articles to generate traffic and leads for your business, then publish more articles and videos than everybody else. If you're advertising, then you should place more advertisements, in more venues, than others promoting Partylite.

Do webinars once or twice weekly, if webinars are part of your strategy. Not once every month or so. Promoting more than your competitors do means sending an email broadcast with helpful tips (and a call to take action!) to your leads daily. Not every once in a while. Every day!

Outproduce the competition in Partylite by putting up more marketing content than everybody else. If you generate more traffic, generate more leads, and give more presentations than the competition, you'll probably generate more income than your Partylite competition.

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