I Love Wearing The Prostate Cancer Ribbon To Raise Awareness Of The People

By Daniell M. Singletryde

When I went in to work the other day, I was sort of surprised when many of my co-workers came up to me and asked what the deal was with the light blue ribbon that I was wearing, but I think they were more surprised when I told them that it was a prostate cancer ribbon. I am always frustrated that no one ever seems to know what the blue ribbon is for, even though the pink ribbon for breast cancer is generally known.

While breast cancer is of course something that we all need to be aware of, as a survivor of a bout with prostate cancer I feel like there could be a better awareness of men's health issues, especially by men themselves. I wasn't always so aware of prostate cancer and I didn't used to wear a prostate cancer ribbon, but I started having symptoms of prostate cancer around three years ago, but did was not educated about them and did not pay any attention to them.

Finally, it got to the point where I could not hold out any longer and had to go to the doctor where I received the news that I was in serious trouble and that I needed to get started on treatment right away. My family and I were all terrified about what this could mean for us, but I started the treatments and did everything possible to recover from this dreadful disease.

But I was overwhelmed with joy when the doctors told me that I had beaten the odds and I could barely believe my good fortune. This experience was what prompted me to wear the ribbon during prostate cancer awareness month, and I did a little bit of looking and thought I would wear the ribbon for all the different countries awareness months which were September in the United States, November in Canada and March in the United Kingdom.

I definitely love it when people approach me and ask me about why I wear the ribbon, because it gives me the opportunity to share my experience with prostate cancer, and help people gain a better understanding of men's health issues, and what they can do. The first day that I wore the ribbon in to the office was a great day and I was immensely gratified to learn that after sharing my experience with prostate cancer, several of the other older men in the office actually made appointments with their own doctors for a prostate examination. And we later found that one of the men from the office did discover that he did have some cancer, but because they had caught it so soon, they were able to treat it without any problems.

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