Helpful Tips To Help You Look Your Best

By Amanda Hardman

Every person has their own techniques when it comes to their beauty regimen, but there are some basic tips that everyone needs to follow in order to get the look they want. The following article is going to provide you with these tips.

Drink eight glasses of water a day. Other drinks such as soda, juices or coffee are too rich in sugar or caffeine and might be ruining your complexion or your weight. Drinking water is the healthiest option, and make sure you get some exercise or go to a sauna once a week so you can sweat and eliminate toxins from your body.

Avoid packing bulky shampoo, conditioner and body wash bottles. Find a single product that works well for all three purposes. You may need to spend a little extra to get a product that is effective for all three uses, but it will reflect in your appearance. The extra expense will be worth it to save you from carrying three separate products.

Mix one part apple cider vinegar to four parts water for a soothing facial toner. When your skin is dry, itchy and flaky, the pH balance is usually off. Lightly spray the vinegar and water mixture on your skin, or dab it on with your fingers or a cotton ball. Not only will the flakes and dryness vanish, you will probably notice fewer breakouts over time as well. The vinegar smell fades very quickly; add a few drops of lavender or another essential oil to improve the scent.

Retro hair styles in general are showing no signs of waning. Short curled bangs from the pinup era abound and are accentuated with loose waves or curls. Also, these short bangs are styled with up-dos with a hat tip to the 1920's with a little retro/futuristic touch thrown in for modern flair - think of Rachel in Blade Runner as an inspiration. Those with long thick hair can handle this look quite well.

Bathing regularly may not seem like a beauty secret, yet there are far too many people out there who could use this advice. Dirt builds up on your skin and hair throughout the day, and your body also produces odors. Cleaning your body everyday and wearing deodorant will help to keep your skin clean and you smelling good.

Even if you are trying to grow some length to your hair you should still have the ends trimmed regularly. Cutting the ends stimulates the hair to grow faster, so the length which has been cut off will grow out faster. If your hair is a shorter style it is important to have it trimmed when needed to keep your style fresh.

If your hair has highlights, it is a good idea to make sure that you get the proper kinds of hair products that are specifically for hair that has been color-treated. Swimming in chlorinated pools can reacted badly with color-treated hair, so using products that can help protect your hair from that chlorine will help your highlights stay the color that you paid for. Using specific products for hair that has been color-treated will have the kinds of chemicals to keep your highlighted hair looking great and will help protect it from the sun as well.

You have the beautiful accents and clothing, so all that is left is to get into shape. Exercise will boost your confidence level; give you more motivation and energy, and you will feel on top of the world. One of the fastest ways to shed any extra pounds is to hire a personal trainer. They can coach you through your workout routine so you can get the maximum benefits possible. In addition, they are great motivational speakers. So if it is in your budget, definitely hire one.

With aging comes wisdom, confidence and many other benefits. Allow your looks to age with grace by taking good care of your skin and using the techniques above to keep you looking young and refreshed. And remember: age is nothing but a number!

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