Plastic Surgeons and How to Vet Them Out

By Tom Roland

When searching through all the plastic surgeons in your area, finding the right one is not such a simple task. This it requires not only attention to some details, but also a sense of understanding and comparing the performances of several doctors in the same specialty. You can choose a surgeon if he is recommended by a friend of yours or by another doctor who seems to know more than you in the medical area. However, if you don't have that available here are some tips to help find someone suitable who won't butcher you.

* Go to the website of American Society of Plastic Surgeons. They only list Board Certified Plastic Surgeons. It's also a great resource where you can find doctors with their specialties. If you want something done on your face, look for a certified facial plastic surgeon

Then, research the surgeons you want to know more about via the Medical Board of your state to find if they have had complaints or malpractices. Has their medical license ever been restricted or held; and have their privileges to perform surgery at any hospital has been taken away. If a large group of doctors at a prominent hospital no longer allow a certain doctor to practice there, you don't want them to practice on your either.

* Review the pre and post surgery pictures than can be found on their websites or their offices. If you want more of these pre and post surgery pictures, you might as well visit the plastic surgeon's office and see them for yourself. Some surgeons don't show all their pictures on their website for privacy issues.

* This is a must! Meet the doctor and not just his aesthetic consultant who probably has a fancy accent. Check if the surgeon spends time with you, patiently answering your questions and concerns. Does he understand what YOU want done rather than what he wants? Is he able to show you photos of cases like yours? Is he upfront about describing limitations, pitfalls or complications that may arise from the operation? Make sure you meet with several doctors before settling on someone. Trust your instincts.

Remember, your plastic surgeon, no matter how great or famous, can't perform your surgery in a virtual world. The credentials, skills, and experience of the anesthesiologist who is going to keep you alive during surgery is no less important than the skills of your plastic surgeon. Most patients are not aware that some centers don't even use an anesthesiologist, or don't have the basic monitoring equipments. Fancy office furniture doesn't mean that you will be also having your surgery performed at an accredited and certified Surgery Center. I personally, would not have my surgery in a surgery facility that is not accredited by AAAHC, AAAASF, or Medicare; and doesn't have a Board Certified Anesthesiologist.

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