Why do we have trees at Christmas time?

By Penny Cooper

Ever thought about as to why you will find real Christmas trees inside of our properties at Christmas? The whole thing started a long time ago just before the coming of Christianity. Evergreen vegetation were a special mark for people in winter time, in numerous countries people thought the trees would fend off bad spirits as well as sickness. For this reason people hung limbs of what everyone knows in modern times as being the real Christmas tree along the entrances and the windows of their houses.

The winter month's solstice was worshipped on the lengthiest night time of the entire year by people in the Upper hemisphere. This is because people worshiped the sun as a god and through the winter they thought he was ill. The greatest night and smallest day time symbolised a changing point from which the sun would start to get better. All of the evergreen branches were a reminder to the people that life would grow yet again after the sun god was healthier.

They are not the only civilizations to have worshipped the sun as a god, numerous previous cultures like Celts, Vikings, Romans and also ancient Egyptians worshiped solstice in a similar fashion. Egyptians hung palms in their home while Romans furnished their houses with evergreen branches. All of them considered evergreen vegetation as a representation of eternal life.

Through the 16th century German Christians started to take real decorated Christmas trees right into their households. This is certainly thought of as the starting of the Christmas tree culture. Many people added illuminated candles to the tree which can be believed to have been began by Martin Luther a Protestant reformer in the 16th century. The candle lights were viewed to stand for the stars of the night time skies.

Christmas trees were spread by German settlers to the remainder of Europe and also The usa. In 1846, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert ( German) were shown in the London News standing around a Christmas tree. The royals had been popular and subsequently Christmas trees very quickly became fashionable.

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