Glendora Dentists Recommend Oral Hygiene

By Rhonda Benjamin

Bone grafts are used in some kinds of dental work. They are required when the jawbone associated with missing teeth atrophies or is reabsorbed over a period of time. In these kinds of situations, patients cannot take advantage of dental implant placement. Bone can be grown where it is needed. Implants of proper length and width can be placed. This is also beneficial from an aesthetic and functional point of view. Unlike bridges and dentures, which require replacement every fifteen years, the majority of implant procedures which were done in the last two decades remain effective, according to the American Association of Oral and Maxilliofacial Surgeons. Glendora dentists can give you more information about bone grafts and dental implants.

Proper brushing -Sure you brush your teeth every day, but do you do it right? Brushing once a day is not very useful, you should brush at least twice a day. Brush with an up-down movement, not a side-to-side movement. Do not apply too much pressure as you are at risk of damaging your gums.

In such a situation, your best bet is dental implants. Dental implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that are drilled into your gums and securely hold your artificial teeth. Naturally, your original teeth do not have to be altered in any way because the artificial ones do not depend on them for support. Another great advantage of dental implants is how natural they look and feel.

Eating the right foods - This is absolutely crucial in terms of oral hygiene. The right foods and beverages can help your teeth become stronger, whereas eating and drinking too many items that harm your teeth will result in early teeth loss. Some of the best foods to eat for your teeth are fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, foods with calcium like milk and cheese, sugarless gum and of course, fluoridated water or beverages prepared with fluoridated water. Harmful for your teeth are sugary foods that get stuck in your mouth, carbonated beverages and food that make your mouth dry. Sucking on lemons is also a bad idea as the citric acid can harm your teeth.

Rinsing after every meal or snack - After you eat anything, you should rinse your mouth with water. If that is not possible, eat a piece of sugarless gum, which in turn helps your mouth produce saliva and keeps your teeth clean. The above tips are the most basic and essential oral hygiene practices that will be confirmed by any Glendora dentist. Glendora patients can protect themselves from long term teeth and gum damage by following these tips. Good dental health is something we should all strive for, because the other option is painful, inconvenient and expensive.

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