Are you Left-Brained? Or Right-Brained? Or "Whole-Brained"?

By Clayton Twiss

I always had this belief that left handed individuals are right-brained or utilize the right hemispheres in the brain most of the time whereas the contrary is true for right handed people. I was surprised this was not necessarily the truth after having a dominance test that indicated I am left brained despite the fact that I am left handed.

However, this just proves the principle of whole brain synchronization that using or favouring the opposite 50 % of your brain or even better, using both hemispheres may be possible. One's handedness is hardly an indication which brain hemisphere you'd prefer.

At the moment, which hemisphere of your brain is more dominant? Below can be a quick assessment to gauge this:

a) When deciding on an ambiguous situation, do you go along with your gut feel or would you enlist possible advantages and disadvantages?

b) When writing, would you prefer going straight to the main idea first then drilling into the facts or building up the excitement first by filling in the details then leaving the principle idea towards the end?

c) Do you have to see or note down something to remember a new concept or will listening to it suffice?

d) At work, are you at ease with juggling a lot of things simultaneously or more at ease with doing one thing at a time?

e) Are you more emotionally guided when generating decisions or ruled by logic and rules?

Choosing more of the first options indicates a preference to use your right brain whereas choosing more of the second options indicates a preference to apply your left brain.

But like I mentioned, with whole brain synchronization, you are able to let the other half of the brain get to work just as much as the remaining half. And similar to a team, when both have more work done simultaneously at similar frequencies, mental functioning improves.

Whole brain synchronization happens because there are more dendrite connections involving the two brain hemispheres which allow them to coordinate better. This can be achieved by stimulating the brain, including that side which is not often used with audio stimulus such as the ones employed in entraining the human brain.

The effectiveness to perform whole brain synchronization is simply a reflection of the vast potential of your brain. Why be stuck with having a certain hemisphere to be dominant when you are able to use both to your benefit?

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