Seven Tips On Prayer That Will Improve Your Prayer Life

By John Arnold

Applying a few simple tips on prayer can easily improve your prayer life. Below are my seven favorite prayer tips. I have applied and benefited from each one of them. So, I know from experience that each one lead to a better prayer life.

1. Schedule your prayer time. You can pray anytime and anywhere, but people are much more consistent in praying if they have a set prayer time and place. Make this time a daily commitment that other things must be worked in around, rather than giving prayer your left over time.

2) Use devotional guides periodically. A devotional guide will expand your prayer life by exposing you to new ways of praying. Also, having a guide for your prayers can help you stay focused. If your mind wanders as you pray, a devotional guide can be a quick fix.

3) Pray out loud. Praying aloud physically engages you in prayer and therefore is another great way to help you stay focused. Speak or sing your prayers as a way of praying out loud.

4) Pray from your heart. Sometimes people are self-conscious about how they word their prayers; especially when praying with a group. Keep in mind that God, not the other people, is your audience. Sincere prayer, not eloquent prayers, will mean the most to God.

5) Use a "prayer catch." Forgetting to pray for someone when you promised you would is an awful feeling. You can avoid that mistake simple by carrying a small notebook with you as a "prayer catch." Jot down any prayer concerns as they come to you. Then next time you pray, just review your list so you never forget again.

6) Listen. No one enjoys a one-sided conversation. Be sure that you take time to listen to God. You may not hear God speaking to you audibly, but God may bring to mind a verse, idea, person or memory that you should listen to. You will likely miss it, if you aren't actively listening.

7) Introduce something new. Prayer habits can easily become prayer ruts, if you aren't attentive. You can keep your prayer life fresh, though, by just introducing something new periodically. The change doesn't have to be big or dramatic. Your time with God can get a boost from something as simple as singing or writing prayers. If you will just regularly pursue and apply prayer instruction, your prayer life will seldom grow dull.

In closing, applying any of these tips on prayer can help you be more engaged as you spend time with God. Some tips may yield very quick and obvious improvement. However, I find that if you really want to experience significant improvement, applying a strategy for several weeks is best.

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