Info on sciatica.

By Aneron Kepasil

If youve never experienced the pain of an inflamed sciatic nerve, consider yourself very lucky. For those who have suffered and continue to suffer, the condition is likely to provoke unpleasant memories, and is enough to strike fear in those who have been previously victimized by pain of that nature. While there may be a number of different words patients use to describe the painful sensations caused by an inflamed sciatic nerve, there are certain descriptions that seem to be reported quite consistently. An inflamed sciatic nerve might start off seeming like a cramp; this might occur in the area of the leg, the back, or both. As the inflammation increases, the pain in the back also worsens and more often than not is experienced in combination with painful sensations down the buttock area and continues down one leg. In addition to the pain, an inflamed sciatic nerve usually creates tingling and a feeling of numbness. Muscle weakness is also often described as occurring. At its worst, sciatic nerve pain can feel like an electric shock that shoots down the back and into the leg.

Physical Therapy proves beneficial to some sufferers. A medical professional should prescribe therapy. A professional physical therapist will avoid exercises that irritate the nerve and bring on attacks. Therapy that strengthens the muscles holding the spine in position promote good posture. Yoga, undertaken carefully, is beneficial for sciatica sufferers. Some yoga positions, such as forward folds or twisting, may exacerbate sciatica. The benefits of yoga include mental and physical balance, and many people find Yoga exercise offers permanent healing for sciatica.

Over the counter pain medications containing acedeminophin or aspirin are often helpful in treating sciatica. The application of ice packs over the area where the pain is the deepest can often reduce the inflammation. Some people find relief by alternating heating pads with periods of ice pack therapy. Anti-inflammatory prescription medication may be necessary if the pain proves hard to manage.

According to information on sciatica most people will find this problem will naturally go away on its own, with the healing process taking a few days or weeks. Most episodes with sciatica heal within six to twelve weeks.

Treatment for sciatica is directed towards maximizing mobility and your independence. The nerve problem should be classified and treated the right way. Some people with this need no treatment, and heal spontaneously. If there was no evidence of nerve degeneration, no history of trauma, sudden onset of the pain, no difficulty moving, then conservative treatments are the most effective.

Many times natural home remedies just arent enough to alleviate the pain associated with sciatica. However, many prescription drugs are known to cause unpleasant side effects for the patient. For this reason, many sciatica sufferers turn to Sciatol. Sciatol is a natural dietary supplement that has been specially formulated to support the health of the sciatic nerve, spine, and nervous system. If your sciatica pain cannot be relieved through home remedies, but you do not want the unpleasant side effects of prescription drugs, Sciatol could be the answer to all of your sciatica troubles.

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