How To Make Your Boyfriend Want To Marry You

By Kay Toddingtone

All you want is that safe feeling of knowing that your relationship is moving in a positive direction. All you want is a little reassurance that you are in a committed relationship instead of wondering where you're going to be in five years. You want to be married someday and you want your boyfriend to make some sort of movement towards that day when you walk down the aisle. Every time you bring up the question, your boyfriend avoids it or changes the subject and you're left bewildered and frustrated.

You're tired of this game and you just want to make him commit. After all, if you're good enough to be his girlfriend for this long then you should be good enough to marry. You want to get on with building your life together and you want that ring. You want to make him commit. Then you have a thought!

You will simply tell him that you need an answer. You will tell him that either your relationship moves forward and you start talking about getting married or you're going to end it. You will tell him that you love him but that you're not getting any younger and you want to start your life as a married couple. Maybe if he sees that you are serious and you mean business then he'll finally conceed and admit that it's time to settle down. But, is this really the way to bring him to the alter and will this trick work?

You really need to think this through and know that it all might not work out the way that you have it planned. Handing him such a serious ultimatum might just backfire on you and make him upset or even angry. You need to be prepared to follow through with your threat and that is exactly what you will be doing to him when you open your mouth and speak those words. You will be threatening him. How do you think he is going to take that? What would you do in that situation yourself?

While the circumstances might be different and the demands might be different, think about how you would feel if your boyfriend gave you an ultimatum. What if he told you that he wanted to see other women for a while and that if you didn't agree to bringing another woman into your relationship then he was going to find someone that would? What if he pushed the issue to the point that you felt like there was no discussion on the matter? How would you feel? You would feel threatened and you would probably tell him to leave if that was how he felt.

It is absolutely possible to make him commit to your relationship and even to marry you. Of course, pushing him and trying to give him an ultimatum to make him commit isn't the way. You'll only come off like a witch and make matters worse. Pushing and demanding is not the way to make him commit and it's not the loving way to draw your man closer to you.

I know that it's difficult not to take things like this personally. You love your boyfriend. He loves you. But if he's so into you then why won't he commit to you? The answer is simple yet very elusive. In order to make him commit you need to understand why guys often freeze up and avoid commitment even when things are good.

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