Can You Get A Boyfriend By Being The Prettiest Girl He Knows?

By Kay Toddingtone

So you have found someone that you're interested in. You are attracted to him and you are thinking that he is boyfriend material. How do you get him interested in you? Can doing your best to look as pretty as possible help you to get his attention and make him want to be your boyfriend? After all, guys like pretty girls and it means a lot to most guys to have a pretty girlfriend on their arm. You could be that pretty girlfriend for him!

Most men will tell you that they are physically attracted to a woman and they think about whether or not they would consider dating them before they even talk to them. Men are visual creatures and how a woman looks is the first cue that makes them want to pursue a particular girl. This is simply a part of what makes them guys and they are visually stimulated first before anything else happens. A woman's face, her rosy red cheeks, her large, clear eyes and her healthy skin and hair send his brain a message that tells him that a particular woman would make a good partner in life and a good mate to pass on his genes.

By trying to look pretty and hit on as many of these instinctual triggers as possible you can and will get his attention. Cosmetics and some good personal hygiene can help you accentuate what you might already have and send that signal to his brain that says that you're not damaged or that you might be a good partner for him. While being pretty isn't the only thing that a guy looks for in a woman, it's the first thing that he's going to notice before your clever whit and your ability to do long division in your head. If you really want him to fall for you and make him your boyfriend you will need to build a connection that can lead to romance, passion and desire.

Men really do want many of the same things that women want in a relationship. The outcome is very similar but what a guy needs is just slightly different from what you might need in order to feel love and devotion for one person. You understand what you want to feel that special warm and fuzzy feeling inside but what does he need in order to feel those same emotions for you? What can you say or do to take things from a casual acquaintance to something more meaningful for both of you? How can you go from casual chatting to having him wanting to spend time with you and make you his girlfriend?

You know what you want in a boyfriend. You know how you want to feel and the things that you want him to say to you. A guy has his own list of wants. For some it's a desire to feel validated in his choices in life. Maybe he needs to feel that he really is clever in his own way. He needs to feel like a success at life. Even if he isn't particularly handsome, he wants someone that is going to look at him as if he was the most handsome man in the world in her eyes. He wants to feel strong and funny. He wants to know that you feel safe and protected around him. He wants to feel like a real man.

While you might think that this is going to be easy, it's a little more difficult than simply telling him that you think that he's handsome and strong and smart. He needs to believe it. You also have to believe it yourself. Spend some time getting to know him and show real interest in him as a person the same way that you would if you were getting to know someone as a friend. Find out what interests him and what accomplishments he is proud of and encourage him by showing him that you understand him and admire these traits in him. While being pretty will get your foot in the door, understanding how to make him believe that he is everything that he dreams of already is the way to win his heart and make him devoted to you and you alone forever.

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