Transforming Your Blog Traffic Into Visitors Who Frequently Return

By Julio Ross

It can be a real challenge to turn one time visitors to your blog into readers who visit regularly. You can enjoy having more return traffic to your blog by keeping the following tips in mind.

Spend Time with the Commenters: People that come to your blog and commit to commenting on your blog should be treated with kindness and respect. This is how you convince them to come back to your blog time and time again. First, monitor the commenters and their comments. If you discover that a new blog reader has made a helpful comment, then welcome this person to your blog. Make him/her feel like a part of the family. Secondly, whenever a blog visitor asks you a question, make sure that you answer them in a timely manner. Many times these questions might not be on topic, or just about different things. But, you do not want to do anything to upset your blog readers, so take the time to answer their questions. Give the people who comment on your blog a good reason to subscribe to your future posts. Last but not the least, there will be times when you'll receive thanks from your readers through the comments. Make sure you appreciate their gesture and thank them back for liking your post. When interacting with commenters, there has to be some type of balance. This will give you the chance to automatically get things set in place.

Always Keep Your Readers in Mind: Your blog may be your own, but it's your readers who have to be considered most of all, as they will determine how successful it is. Those blogs that do the most effective job of meeting the needs of their readers are the ones that receive the most return visitors. You need to care for your readers and give them something they aren't getting elsewhere. Be original with your content, your style of writing, your way of narration, your blog's design, etc. Readers should be able to come to your blog and expect to find high quality, frequently updated material. Remember that internet users are eager to find sites that can really help, inform or entertain them, depending on what kind of blog you have. You want to make your readers feel that they can count on and interact with you as much as possible, so in addition to publishing quality content, you also have to provide consistent support.

Where Your Main Focus Should Be: When people visit your blog, their main concern is finding out how any information you're offering will benefit them, so this has to be what you emphasize. That's why it's important to not forget your reader and his/her particular concerns when you write your posts. Your visitors should be able to gain some value from everything you publish on your blog, even if it's only a brief post. Work towards bringing out the real benefits of your post to your readers, because they aren't interested in your ideas unless and until they help them.

If you start a blog and think that stuff will start happening without your help, then you are so wrong. Do things on a regular basis if you want regular readers.

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