Leveling WOW Characters with Rested Experience

By Milton Toborg

World or Warcraft is one of the most popular MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games) in the world. In this sport, players can use the characters they create to do World of Warcraft power leveling to gain experience by killing monsters and completing quests. In this game, players are able to create a great number of characters on different servers. But it is difficult to have enough time to level up many different character types. One way to increase World of Warcraft powerleveling speed on less active characters is to use rested experience when a character is not logged into the game.

Warp Ten is a cheat which will allow you to pace up the construction of any building in the game. Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard and then type "WarpTen" into the screen. Press the "Enter" key once again and watch for the "Cheat Code Enabled" text to pop-up. You can now construct buildings ten times faster than before. If you have a hankering to play God, then this cheat will surely feed your appetite. Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard and type "WhosYourDaddy" into the screen. Press the "Enter" key once again to permit "God Mode".

After that, you have to log back in to World of Warcraft using the resting character within 10 days of logging out in the inn or city. Rest experience can accumulate for as much as 10 days of real time before you don't obtain any more. The total accumulated quantity of sleep experience may equal 1. 5 levels.

Wood is essential to building structures in the game. If you don't have any money for lumber, use this cheat to obtain more. Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard and type "LeafitToME". Press the "Space" bar and then enter the " [" symbol. Enter the amount of lumber you want and then enter the "] " symbol. Press the "Enter" key and you may have that amount of lumber.

Last but not least, do quest through the Crucible of Carnage in Twilight Highlands at level 84 or 85. The final quest rewards you with a piece of decent gear. in the event you can't wear it, at least you can market it for decent WOW gold to help you purchase something you can wear.

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