Handling Stress Successfully

By Dr. Kate Walker

Just consider a cute two year old. Now imagine that same year old child poking your arm because she is demanding a cookie. Your rationalize, 'it's not so bad, she'll stop soon," or something like that. The poking continues for days. Then weeks. Then years.

Ridiculous, isn't it? Most people would manage the little darling's behavior straight away. Whether she got a cookie or a time out, I bet you would refuse to just tolerate her to keep poking you!

Stress, like the terrible twos, cannot be ignored. When you fail to take a pro-active role in handling your stress, the hormones secreted with the body's reaction to stress never actually decline. While the exact link between stress and the body's propensity toward sickness is still somewhat of a mystery, we will say without doubt that stress is a component in many common illnesses.

What are the consequences of stress and its influence on physiology? The first things you are likely to notice are the physical symptoms. You experience stomach aches, your shoulders are tight, or you have got more migraine headaches. Maybe you are tired all the time, have difficulty sleeping, your appetite changes, or you simply are just not as active as you used to be. You could even have unexplained pain.

Whether you are "marrying a mate or burying somebody" your body monitors any change as stress. The goal isn't to extinguish stress, but more accurately to develop coping strategies for stress management and develop response mechanisms to the stress which is plainly part of life, and avoid unnecessary stressors like toxic relationships and unhealthy work environments. If you are having difficulty with how to manage stress effectively or finding the correct way to get rid of stress in your life, and you are seeing the unhealthy emotional and physiological consequences, it could be time to seek help. Help could be in the form of a licensed professional therapist, but learning how to overcome stress effectively is a critical part of a healthy and happy life.

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