Families Connecting With LeapFrog Connect

By Amy Richards

There are several Leapfrog games on the market that are divided up into groups according to age. Parents who have more than one child may have several games or systems, making it hard to keep track of them all. LeapFrog Connect is a program that allows parents to interact and keep track of each child's games.

All a parent has to do to use this great service is go to the official Leapfrog website to join the program. Start a new account and download the software that is offered. It will download directly to your computer, meaning there is no additional toy or device to buy in order to use it.

After downloading comes time for installation of the program, which takes just a few minutes of time. After installation it is time to customize the program by following directions. You will need to create a user name and password and use any other prompts given by the program during installation.

In order for the software to keep tabs on each child's games, each game device must be connected to the program. This is very easy to do, and you only need a basic USB port to do it. Connect each device via USB and it will sync with the Connect program, allowing parents to keep track of each device.

After each device is connected, parents may then use the software to connect to each device and see your child's progress. This gives you the chance to see which subjects your child excels in and which ones offer opportunities to do better. For example, a child could excel at math but have a harder time with reading, which can be deduced by their Leapfrog results.

Sit down with your child and have a discussion about their results. This helps them learn and fosters communication about what they need help in. Set up a plan to help them in these problem areas so that they can begin to succeed. The success from the games may carry over to all other subjects as well.

The program also lets you keep track of a child's rewards that they receive by completing games and levels. Discussion of these rewards and the success they imply is a great way to interact with the child and celebrate their individual success and accomplishments. This helps bolster self esteem and gives them the confidence to continue playing and learning not just on their devices but in real life and at school as well.

Parents and children can use LeapFrog Connect to truly connect both about learning and about life. It encourages them to spend time talking and learning together. It also enhances what they are already learning at school, which means grades could rise as they play. To kids it's just a game but they are learning the whole time they are playing. This makes using the program a great idea for the entire family.

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