Should You Use An Agency When Picking Surrogates?

By Kevin Williams

There are many advantages to using an intermediary agency when trying to become a parent with surrogates. Some of the advantages are obvious, some are not as obvious. For example, most of television shows very romantic surrogate scenarios. A couple asks a female friend to be their surrogate mother, she says yes out of the goodness of her hear. And everyone lives happily ever after.

In the real world, very few locations allow for such an arrangement. In most places a traditional, altruistic surrogacy is either banned or very heavily regulated. Even when it is legal, there are so many rules and laws that it becomes almost impossible to do for anyone who isn't a legal scholar.

Another set of problems comes from the emotional aspect of things. If you choose a close female friend, she will get to see the child very often in the future. She might get emotionally attached to the child she gave birth to. In some cases she might decide that it is her child, and that she wants to be the parent. Bitter legal feuds, broken friendships and years in courts are not uncommon.

If you go with an agency, they will handle it all for you. They take on all the legal responsibility and they make sure that things go right. They find a surrogate for you and they make sure that everything checks out legally. They will also make things right in terms of the contract and making sure that everyone is counseled right, both the couple and the surrogate.

They're not just a team of lawyers and doctors specializing in reproductive law though. They also have contacts with specialized labs, special discounts for specialized facilities, and they find the surrogate for you. They negotiate how she gets paid and when. And they also act as an escrow service.

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