Interior Design Tips For Kids Room

By Daniel Chew

It can be a lifting, enjoyable but nothing short of tedious process when designing the dream room for your adorable kids. Parents in Singapore place more emphasis on the growth and development of their kids these days when comparing it with the past. The biggest reason among others is that most Singaporeans tend to build a smaller family and hence placing more effort and care in raising their kids. However, this write up is not about demographics so let's move on to features to look out for when designing the room for your kids.

Start with finding out their favourite activities and colours. Knowing what your kids adore and let your kids play a part in the designing of the room's interior. Through these you can begin to work on the theme and decoration around their likings. This keeps them happy, comfortable and safe.

Versatility and Flexibility. This interior design needs be flexible and ready to adapt to many changes. As important as understanding your children needs is, keep in mind that their needs, tastes and desires are ever changing.

Storage and Shelving. Reduce clutter in the room with shelving, dressers, closets or wardrobes. Plastic see-through boxes are great for storing their toys, as they tend to play with them often and visibility helps them find what they want.

Walls. Wallpapers that is easy to upkeep can provide much ease for parents. The usage of warm colours compared to loud and striking colours, can provide a warm and soothing feeling for your kids. Keep the wild colours to removable items. Vinyls and hardwood floors are great for easy cleaning too.

Safety. The safety of your kids should always be the first consideration when choosing furniture. Sharp edges present in furniture and decorative products should be avoided at all times. Fortunately, there are many stores carrying furniture made for children so options are plentiful. Lastly, avoid carpets as they are hard to clean and may cause problems for children with allergies.

Lightings. There should be two sets of lightings available for your children. One will be a functional light that enables your children to see well in their day-to-day activities. Another one will be a more soothing form of light, like a nightlight which works well for kids having a hard time sleeping in the presence of total darkness. It also works well as a safety precaution when they need to walk around at night or make a visit to the bathroom.

Segregation of the Room. The room can be broken into different zones for different activities. One zone can be the play area, another for homework and artwork, while another area is set aside for reading.

Whether you are doing it yourself, or hiring a professional interior designer, always keep in mind that this room belongs to your kids. This room is where they live out their childhood fantasies, where they can feel joy, where it is home to the small period in a human's life called a childhood.

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