Acupuncture Irvine Offering People Relief From Stressful Headaches And Body Aches

By Flora Vinson

This millennium old Chinese procedure is still practiced. The basic theory is to open blocked energy channels and to keep the inner body balanced. The premise is that when an energy channel is blocked the flow is hindered causing pain, discomfort and a variety of ailments. At acupuncture Irvine balancing and stimulation of the flow is improved through the insertion of needles at pressure points.

Nowadays only disposable sterile stainless steel needles are used. These are inserted in specific points depending on the ailment the patient has. The first evidence of metal needles was discovered in a tomb dated to 113BC. Mention of this form of treatment was found in documents dating to 200BC.

During the 11th century the Emperor ordered a sketch of the body's meridians and pressure points be made. This chart is still relevant today. Although there is no scientific evidence that this form of treatment works around the globe millions of people find that they have relief from pain and positive results after treatments.

It is however important that people consult with reputable acupuncturists as these procedures may be harmful if performed by an untrained person. Scientific conventional Western methods used in conjunction with Eastern acupuncture and herbal remedies may give relief from a variety of chronic conditions.

Although the needles penetrate the skin the actual process is considered non-invasive. There is no scaring as the needles are extremely thin. The entire process is relaxing and calming and in some instances patients fall asleep during a treatment session.

Treatments are to bring back a balance to mind and body, to allow energy flow to move freely through its meridians. At acupuncture irvine patients undergo a thorough examination to determine which pressure points should be targeted before any needles are inserted.

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