A Real Challenge With Real And Usually Devastating Consequences About Hair Loss Problem

By Daniel Turbin

If you are among the many Americans affected by hair loss, Bosely hair restoration may be the solution you've been dreaming about. Every single morning, men and women across the nation must steel themselves to face the issues associated with hair loss. We associate our power to function in the work place and in social situations with our over-all appearance of health as well as vitality - and a thick, full head of hair contributes to that image. When our hair is starting to thin, we often feel we've lost our competitive edge along with it. This may seem vain and then superficial to some, but it is a significant problem with real and sometimes damaging consequences.

Like the Biblical character Samson, we tend to link our hair with our success in life. We reckon that somehow our strength and dominance comes from our hair follicles. This is, of course, an oversimplification however a valid one. If you ask a cancer patient whose hair has become lost because of chemotherapy what they misses most, they will let you know that being without hair leaves them feeling more vulnerable and less able to mount a dangerous battle against their disease. For that reason, most cancer patients cover and conceal their temporary baldness. The same is valid for the average person struggling with alopecia - the scientific name for hair loss. Hair loss can make us feel diminished and less capable to find and employ our inner titan. The circumstantial depression and stress takes a toll on professional and personal interactions and impacts the quality of life of not just the individual with the condition, but as well as everyone around him or her.

Hair loss is a complex medical condition. The reasons some of us - men and women alike - see our hair thinning and also disappearing entirely can be environmental, genetic, hormonal or any combination of these factors. Whatever the reason, we have many options available to us which were not available to our grandfathers. In cases where we cannot make the psychological skip necessary to adopt a "bald is beautiful" attitude, we have now at our disposal a plethora of products and treatments formulated to stimulate our follicles and inspire new improvement.

There was a time when hair loss was basically a fact of life. Unless one was willing to use a hairpiece which looked and felt artificial and was sure to slip, there were no answers to the hair loss problem. Today, there are many alternatives for the person with hair loss. From skin-based and cosmetic products to medical procedures, there are solutions to match every pocketbook. Naturally, some of these products and procedures are more valuable than others and, in making hair restoration decisions people should consider the long-term results along with the short-term costs relevant to hair restoration treatments.

Since all hair transplantation procedures vary with the individual, there is no advertised price for Bosley hair restoration procedure. The price of the process will depend upon the extent of the actual hair loss that can only be determined with any guarantee by consulting with one of the numerous Bosley hair carephysicians. A bit of internet sleuthing indicates that a standard price of $1,200.00 is a good ballpark figure for planning purposes. Although the company does not provide financing for the procedures, Bosley does makes obtaining funding for the hair restoration process easy by providing forms on-line which may be submitted to get funding through third-party financing.

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