Preventing Anxiety Attacks Caused By Stress

By Frank Woods

Stress is a normal facet in our lives.

The positive side of stress is your heightened senses and sensitiveness to everything. Sometimes, though, stress can get out of control and cause us to have anxiety attacks. The anxiety attacks can come on unnoticed and they can seem like everyday stress-related problems. Oftentimes, the individual will only admit that he is suffering from anxiety attacks when it is too late.

In order to recognize the indicators for an anxiety attack, you have to understand the symptoms of stress first. Individuals are vulnerable to stress in varying degrees, but the symptoms are basically the same - uncertainties, the mind goes blank briefly, edginess, etc. These symptoms also manifest in anxiety attacks but the outward signs are more physical in nature and clearly visible. Some people experience shortness of breath, pounding heart rhythm, trembling or shakiness within the body, stomachaches and hot or cold flashes. At its height, a person suffering from an anxiety attack is like a caged animal ready to bolt at the slightest provocation. What is sad is that the persons suffering are the last to admit that they are having an anxiety attack. It sometimes takes someone else who knows them well to realize that there's something wrong. They should be convinced that they need professional help to exactly establish what is troubling them, whether it is anxiety or some physical illnesses that need immediate attention.

When the physician rules out anything medical and determines that they are anxiety attacks, he may start them on some type of medication to help relieve them of some of the symptoms and encourage the patient to seek a counselor. To be able to effectively help the patient, the counselor would need to have a fair idea of why the patient is stressed. Once the patient gets a handle on the contributing factors for their attacks, a treatment plan would then be set up, based on the patient's situation. A counselor can help them work through the stressors and show them ways to alleviate the stress causing their symptoms.

On his own, an individual should understand that he is capable of dealing with the symptoms, and toward this end the internet can give invaluable help through websites that offer guides and how-to manuals for the stress sufferers.

When everyday stress escalates, there are many ways to settle the overwhelming feelings of edginess. Getting the proper help is a start to calming the anxious emotions raging within you. There are factors that give rise to stress, so the key is to identify these factors and to devise steps to prevent its occurrence as much as possible.

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