Guide For The Unlock Of Skettis Dailies

By Marcelene Schnair

WOW is an extremely popular MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) in the world. It is released in 2004 and has 3 expansions today. In the game, there are a lot of things to see and to do, such as quests. Some quests are easy while some are hard. The Skettis dailies are two quests that can be completed every day for WOW gold and Sha'tari reputation. Players can find the dailies in the Terrorkar Forest after you get level 70 and have got a flying attach. In case you don't have a flying mount, there are guide to help to get one online, and you can also buy one with your WOW gold free.

To do the dailies, you should first travel to Shattrath City in the Terrorkar Forest. Then, right click upon Yuula near the airline flight master in Shattrath City. Accept the quest "Threat from Above" and fly to the Barrier Hills located above Shattrath City with your flying mount. You can find it on your map as well. You can open your map at any time by pressing "M".

Next thing you need to do is to kill 20 ogres to finish the quest. After you've finished the quest, go back to speak to Yuula again to complete the pursuit. After that, accept the quest titled "To Skettis". Travel to Blackwind Landing. You can find it in the southeast corner of your chart, just beyond Skettis in Terrorkar Forest. Like the Barrier Hills, it will be marked on your map after you accept the quest.

Finish the mission by right-clicking Sky Sergeant Doryn. After the quest is done, the Skettis daily quests "Fires over Skettis" and "Escape from Skettis" is going to be revealed.

If a piece you want to get is in a raid you have no hopes of having into right now, you can get other pieces that you can get at the moment and go back later. You can also buy them with World of Warcraft gold in the auction house. Turn to the forums to asking for help. There will be experienced players who are willing to give you tips.

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