Effectively Amaze Them With This Astonishing Psychic Projection Trick

By Miles Sunkest

This is a great trick to be able to do at parties or other social gatherings. It's easy to learn, simple to set up, and with the right demonstration, nobody will ever detect it. The best part is that this trick can get you plenty of free drinks.

Here's how it will appear to your soon to be stunned audience. You mention in passing that you recently picked up the skill of psychically projecting ideas into other people's heads. Of course, everybody thinks you are fooling, and will ask you to prove it. You pick somebody at random and tell them you are going to mentally project a number into their mind.

You pull out a small note pad and a small pencil (like the kind you use to record your golf score) and write down a number. With all your mental might, focus your telepathic power on them, and ask them to guess a number between one and one hundred. You turn the paper around, and they will all be completely amazed to see the number on the pages matches the one they chose.

Here's the secret. When you first write down the number on the small note pad, don't actually write anything. Just pretend to. On your other hand, have a small piece of pencil lead attached to your thumb or forefinger. You can use some double sided Scotch tape, or slide a small piece under your fingernail. You don't have to worry how neat your writing looks, but you will need to practice enough so that you can write their number quickly and without looking.

Then as soon as they choose their number, write whatever number they said on the pad. This is the trickiest part, as their isn't a lot of things you can do to waste time. They usually will want to see the pad as soon as they choose their number. You can take a deep breath, and ask them to make sure, or thank the gods for helping you with another successful mind transfer. Or you can have them promise to buy a round for everybody, or something else equally satisfying if you get the right answer.

Then turn the pad around, and reveal your powerful psychic powers by showing them the number. They will be amazed, you will be famous, and everybody will be having a good time. For bonus points, you can make them agree before hand to buy you a drink (or give you a kiss if they're your spouse or partner) if you "project" the number correctly. Have fun with this.

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