Helpful Tips For Training Your Dog Easily

By Francisca Mabrey

Training your dog is part of responsible ownership. Not only will a solid foundation in obedience make your dog a good citizen, it also ensures that he remains safe and happy. This article will give you some helpful advice in order to train your dog. Always use your dog's name when you want its attention. Your dog must respond when its name is called before you move onto more advanced training. Practice this until you are satisfied by the dogs response. Never use your dog's name in association with punishment.

When you are trying to break your dog from chewing, do it the right way. You also need to make sure that you keep your pet away from objects that could hurt him if chewed. Things like brushes, small toys and nylons are common things around the house that pose a choking hazard.

Communication is one essential thing to consider when training your dog. Do your best to remain consistent in the training of your dog. This especially applies to your verbal and nonverbal interactions, but the rewards you give and the corrections you make should be consistent, too. Don't forget to figure out what your dog is communicating as well. If you learn to read his body language, you will know when he is too tired to continue training or when he has the energy to go on.

Spay or neuter your dog at the age of six months. Make this coincide what the starting of an obedience class. A spayed or neutered dog is a better pet and a more attentive obedience student. This will make your pet healthier and happier, and make your ownership experience happier, too.

When a new person comes into your house, tell them exactly how they should approach your dog. These misguided attempts to give a dog attention can cause him to become confused. He may jump up on your guests even if he knows this behavior isn't allowed. In addition, some dogs feel threatened by strangers approaching them and may respond aggressively instead of lovingly.

Use your puppy's name often so that he knows to pay attention when you speak. Use it as often as possible when you have your puppy during the first weeks, the puppy will make the connection. The best dog names are ones that are short and are different from other commands.

Reinforce your dog's good behavior by using a clicker. When using a clicker, be sure to make a positive relation between the clicker's noise and the good things that you want your dog to do. When using the clicker, you need to click and treat immediately. Try doing this for a few days. Soon your dog will be able to recognize the click noise means that he did something good, helping to shape desirable behavior.

Keeping your house clean and owning a dog is possible. It is easier to love and care for an obedient, well-behaved dog, so investing some time and effort in your training process is a great idea. You can live happily with your dog if you keep the advice in this article in mind.

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