Fertility Calculators and Mother's Hope

By Aneron Kepasil

Planning a reproductive future is made easier by monitoring menses cycles via a fertility calculator. Both women and men will benefit from understanding and being in tune with a womans monthly cycle. By knowing the beginning and ending of a womans menses cycle, ovulation and optimal conception time can be predicted. Knowing the times when a woman is most fertile will make becoming pregnant a simpler, more relaxed process with less of the wondering and guess work.

Keeping track of a womans menses cycle via a fertility calculator is considered a natural way to predict optimal days for conception to occur. A fertility calculator is also an excellent way to plan reproduction without using pharmaceutical drugs. Throughout history many women have used fertility calculators to be aware of their most fertile days.

Raspberry is a popular fertility herb because of its potential to help women during pregnancy and labor. It stimulates the muscles of the uterus and pelvis, causing them to strengthen and tone up. Yet this fertility herb also contains properties that also relax the uterine muscles, which can help ease labor.

For centuries now, Chinese fertility herbs have been used to help increase fertility in men and women. There is no one particular Chinese fertility herb which holds the key in boosting fertility, but it is in fact, a combination of many different herbs which leads to a successful pregnancy. Many published research articles show the success rates that have been achieved because of the use of Chinese fertility herbs.

Women need additional vitamins, minerals, and herbs for fertility as well to balance hormone levels and create a healthier reproductive system. Just like men, women also benefit from vitamin C, zinc, selenium, and folic acid. Much needed iron is also present in okra, beans, lentils, prunes, and walnuts.

The Chinese have always relied on herbs for fertility treatment. That ancient knowledge of herbs, combined with ovulation tracking and urine testing, is a winning fertility strategy. One product combines all of these natural fertility aids: Mothers Hope. Mothers Hope includes a three month supply of supplements for both women and men, along with an ovulation tracking calendar and urine testing strips. With Mothers Hope, you could be just weeks away from conceiving your own bundle of joy!

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