Basketball Shooting Strategies Every Player Should Apply

By Lee Stackhouse

Making shots is the simplest, yet the most complicated aspect of basketball. You must have the capability of shooting the basketball from all areas of the court while defensive players are blocking you. Also, you have to figure out when to take the basketball shot and when to throw it to another team member. The following are a few suggestions for improving your shooting skills.

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There's a basic idea you should always keep in mind when playing basketball, and it applies to many other sports as well- following through on all your shots. If you watch great pool players, golf players, home run hitters in baseball, or great shooters in basketball, they all know how to follow through. The best players in all these sports, like the best shooters in basketball, know how to make the most of each shot or swing so that the ball goes where they want it, with the right amount of force. You can focus on this as you practice shooting by exaggerating it a little at first. After shooting, pretend you're posing for a camera and let your hands remain in position for an instant. You'll develop your own unique follow through, but one thing you can focus on is, as you're shooting, make sure your hands cover the ball (this is sometimes called the wave) so it spins towards the rim at the proper angle. Even though basketball is considered to be an intense and physical game, you can learn how to shoot better by getting more comfortable with the ball and learning how to holding it in a lighter manner. Quite naturally, you want to command the ball in a manner that your grip is firm and no one can snatch the ball away from you. However when they are making a shot, many players will hold it too tightly or put too much power on the ball. When the ball bounces hard on the rim, you can see proof of this then. Try to spin the ball a little and go with the flow via your fingertips. This is so that it goes in the right direction and not just in a general location.

It's important to be conscious of your natural shooting range in basketball. Your shooting range has to do with your skills as well as physical strength, and if you stay within this range during a game you'll be much more accurate. When shooting during a game, it's important to operate based on your actual range, not the range you wish you had or hope to have in the future. Everyone sometimes has to shoot from outside their range, but as a general rule you should try to make all your shots from within range. If you want to become a better shooter, focus primarily on improving your accuracy from within your range, and not so much on increasing your range (though this may occur anyway over time).

It should be done with just one fluid motion. Just as you reach the peak of your jump, release the ball. It will take practice to perfect your jumping and your jump shots.

The shot should be done in one fluid motion. You release the ball at the peak of your jump. It will take practice to perfect your jumping and your jump shots.

If you want to improve your basketball shooting technique, you have to practice a great deal and also be willing to learn and change your habits. If there are areas that are giving you trouble, don't hesitate to ask a coach or more experienced player for help. Sometimes a small detail can make all the difference when it comes to getting more accurate.

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